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Community Outreach
2023 Annual Fill the Frontier Food Drive
Our community rallied around our awesome Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive event! We were blown away by how many of our neighborhood friends were so kind to visit us and make donations. Everyone also enjoyed a wonderful time as we donated over 60+ turkeys during our Turkey Giveaway Event! As a token of our appreciation, by donating 12 non-perishable goods we awarded a complimentary oil change plus $500 additional for your trade. Each year this event continues to grow and with our communities' donations we are looking forward to helping even more families this coming Thanksgiving holiday in 2024!
Nissan of Galesburg Honors '23/'24 Teachers of the Month
This school year, Nissan of Galesburg has teamed up with 103.5K-FM to honor and appreciate our teacher's dedication to educating and inspiring students in our community's school district. So please, Join Nissan of Galesburg as we recognize and say “Thank You” to our teachers in the Galesburg area for their continued exceptional contributions to the next generation!
Nissan of Galesburg was a Title Sponsor of this year's Blessings in a Backpack program.
Nissan of Galesburg could not be more humble and proud to be a Title Sponsor of the Blessings in Backpacks student organization at Knox College! We are 100% supportive of this program which takes the simple idea of providing daily food for a child's well-being and makes this concept a reality for elementary school students in Galesburg who don't always have enough to eat. The Knox/Galesburg Blessings in a Backpack Program serves 400 elementary children in our Galesburg area. Each child receives enough food to sustain them for the weekend. Blessings in a Backpack has been feeding kids in Galesburg for the past 12 years. We wish to thank everyone for coming out this May 1st and supporting this great program, raising nearly $20k for our local chapter!

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